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Jul 1Liked by Richard Gregson FRSB

I was there first! In 1961 or so I conceived the macabre idea of creating a meat-eating fungus I could gloat about and scare my friends. I found this horrid bone-white convoluted storm-shelter dwelling fungus of some sort. I remember it looked full of layers almost like a sea coral. I put it in one of my mum's canning jars and set about feeding it dead flies, trying to train it to eat meat! I reasoned that I would have success when I could feed it a live fly which it would somehow capture and grow on. But alas, it ignored the flies. I eventually threw the whole project in the kitchen trash and it became a memory, just likethat of my attempt to build a radiotelescope, like Joddrell Bank, using a pie pan, some wires and headphones and a dry cell bsttery!

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