IO’d love to have you unpack that movement of biomass stuff for a layman, and especially the implied judgment of this movement from your source.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 7Author

It’s quite an image … but as a no longer very active fly fisher, I can believe it. Basically, what is happening is that millions of larval mayflies are munching their way through the other aquatic species they meet and converting them into mayfly larva meat (= biomass). Then there is this huge emergence when the larval nymphs hatch into adult mayflies that leave the water. They mate, lay eggs and then die in massive numbers but they are now over land and not water so their bodies (= biomass) contribute to wherever they die and decay or into bird muscle etc if they are eaten. A giant transfer of biomass in a short period of time.

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Ain’t life great! That was a good explanation, thanks.

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cannibalistically should, of course, be carnivourosly

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